How To remodel small Condo Master bathroom

Hi Im Kevin loans, a wedding photographer in Hamilton and today, I’m going to show you guys some of the construction that we have been having going on in our condo. I am going to show you the inspiration behind it, some behind the scenes and then, of course, the finished product which we are very very excited about. So we have a two-bedroom condo in Hamilton and we wanted to renovate the bathroom so the master bath and the guest bathroom because they were really old. 

They did not utilize the space very well whatsoever – and we just needed it – to be more functional for our lives and also a little bit prettier, because it could definitely use a little bit of a facelift, so we redid the entire master bath. We took out the shower and the toilet. We took out pretty much all of the walls. We moved a wall to make our closets combined, so it would be a lot easier to use and then for the guest bath we were really only doing the flooring, the sink toilet and the wall, so I’m going to show you guys all these different projects, and hopefully you enjoy looking at them. 

This is the chaos that we are currently living in, while renovating so all of our stuff, that is, for construction and just things that we had in our closets were all here. We have new toilets and toilet seats which are sold separately, which is something I learned, and those are all in here. These right here are our tiles for our master, shower and there’s cat hair on it, because the cats come out here at the end of the day and they love to sit on everything, so these are really small. Hexagon shaped tiles, and then here with more cat hair is the tile that we are going to put on our bathroom floor and then Im gon na. Take you guys into the master bathroom. It may be a little bit dark, but were currently getting dry. Rollin did so. This is what it looks like back here now, but beyond, like these things. Right here is going to be part of our closet.

We combined two closets to make more of an L shape, and then this is what separates all of the construction from our bedroom, which is a total disaster right now, who gives me up everything that was clothing out there on a hanging rack, but that is Mostly, it weve course got this paper down here. Just been super dusty every day, and then here is our very messy guest bathroom cause. Everything is crammed into here. 

The shower curtain is going to be replaced with a white one were not actually doing any work to the shower itself, but we are going to be replacing this weird old almond color toilet were going to be putting in some marble. Hexagon flooring, theyre taking out this sink well today was exciting because we got walls. So now there are no open areas just great. We have worms with walls and ceiling and lots of equipment still, but our shower isn’t here. It has been covered with all this waterproofing stuff and they did a test to make sure there was no leak and it’s all good. 

Its hard to see in here cuz its so dark, but weve got walls and again this area is going to have a custom built feature in it and then here as I caused it, which is now a nice big L shape and then hopefully you will start getting flooring and cabinetry coming soon. See you guys next night. This is the most recent update. The walls are looking more like they’ve all been dry, rot and all the other things that come along with it texturized and then in here are shower tiles are coming together we’re getting more of this put up Monday and then, hopefully be flooring will go in Monday. Everything here is so dirty. 

This is like a little black mat, but then this is our old flooring under here, which is so dirty, but theyre going to put the towel on top of that, so Im very excited to see that all come together. Super fun improvement update for you guys. We have our guest bathroom tile in we have the toilet taken out and temporarily moved to the master and then the seat has to come out still, but this is done so we have a beautiful marbled hexagon tile. We also have very exciting progress on our master bathroom. We have our tiles put in now and then the grout is also done, and then our shower is just so dark in here on the light yet. But you can see, weve got a really great like straight, and then here we have smaller than the other bathroom and always hexagon tiles for the shower base, which is also been grounded very exciting.

Then what we were going to do was to the bottom of this were going to add some of the quartz marble looking countertop that we were using for our bathroom and were also going to be putting a big strip of it on this as well, and then you can see at the base of our shower me, and I have these strips, so that was pretty much it for now. 

Hopefully, the next update Ill show you guys will have some Kathlyn tree and another big update we now have the cabinet frames they dont draw our countertop yet and they havent been painted but theyre here we also have our built in and here for our towels and soaps and everything that is also in and its frame we now have a door for the closet which is great there’s no October 10th and we have our drawers in obviously they are not painted yet but they are all in. 

Then these are a little hard to open without the handles on but these are gonna be for laundry members colors and whites you sneezezer that’s very dusty in here still and then we’ve actually chosen to go with the darker blue which we can pull pop really nicely with our rose gold mirrors so here isn’t a really big progress update you guys this chair is not permanent I was using it to figure out how tall the chair I actually meet then you have our mirrors installed these are rose gold hexagon mirrors from one stone and then all of our sconces fancy toilet seat here we still need glass for these and they stopped to come back and adjust everything so its even temporary bath mat / shower its very exciting you excited so yeah that’s whats happening so as of right now you still need hardware for these guys the ones we got were too small so we still need those and chair that’s the right height but whats hard is so we havent mixed metal in here we have grown and we have rose gold so I feel like for our chair I need to have a chrome our rose gold base so unfortunately they make very few Rose rose gold faces that are tall chairs so that’s kinda issue because this is a 19 inch chair I mean want to get 24 inch so TBD on that guy and then get stunned by california closets on november 22nd our doors a little step so we have to fix that as well yeah all right now its just this inky thing our carpet people are coming back in okay crazy update for you guys dont mind the mess it always gets worse before it gets better so Im currently trying to figure out how to arrange everything so let me get the light turned on here were still waiting on a toilet paper holder so dont mind this guy here well we have our glass in and I dont have the towels folded nice and pretty up because they under hamper we have our closet installed carpet is not done yet but so its becoming next week the closet turned out really nicely so David of course put in new ceiling tiles which her much much nicer than that classroom style foam we had this is going to be his side of the closet here still gonna have top and bottom hanging then he and.

I have shelving and then drawers are just really nice so mine is on the left actually showed us a virtual thing of what it was exactly going to look like which is amazing because Im very visual and I have a hard time imagining things without seeing them up above here where we actually have extra storage whereas this is a drop ceiling were gonna store boxes and things like that. I am super excited those are my wedding shoes I still have the heel stoppers on them of course we still have a lot of stuff hanging here Im waiting to hang all that until David gets to paint all of these white anger bars the same color as our wall so as soon as he does that then we will be totally done with installing our closet we will no longer have this crazy map today I am finally revealing the finished product of our bathroom. It took me a long time to make this but here we are we hung this lovely portrait here from France and then here is the bathroom with our mats and Navin Restoration Hardware the mirrors are from West Elm the lights are from lamps plus I have a little makeup section that is all my makeup and I finally got a chair. It is actually kind of a salon chair it goes up and down I ordered a couple of chairs and this one was the only one that was it so yay then our bathroom was done towels are in of course our shower is there still need a bath mat for this guy they do not actually make Restoration Hardware blue mats in a smaller size so TV on that guy but everything has been awesome so we have a much more functional use of the space you guys saw from the before photos.

There was hardly any countertop space and the closets were not functional Hey I think this is your first youtube video with me so lets take a look at the closet and this was from California closets David said its not quite as clean and nice as mine but I have my closet color-coded which I have done since high school because I find it helps me pick up clothing really quickly I dont have to look for things and we actually have so much space in this closet that I dont even really need this so Im currently using this for a love it of storage and then also for things that need to air dry a little bit Ill hang them here these guys need to go to alterations so Ive got a function for this and our shoe racks and Iraq for curses I dont know I want to persist because I like using my phone as a wallet scarves robe and all the long hanging stuff here some storage up top that we are still working on getting out of the house so I am super excited with how everything turned out so much space in here have you carpet is in its the same carpet as our bedrooms it is one of these softest most plush carpets we could find because I wanted to feel like I was walking on pillows so this is it I hope that you guys enjoyed this video I am super excited about all the new changes we have it feels like such a relief to have this space done and completed and now we get to just enjoy.

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